Friday 7 August 2015

Laugh Out Loud

   Today's 'challenge' is a book that makes you laugh out loud. When I first looked at the book challenge, and had a read of what I'd have to do for it, a few books came to mind when I saw the 7th one. 

But the one that I'm actually writing about today wasn't the first one I thought of, and yet it is definitely the perfect one for the part.

Demons at Deadnight and Drop Dead Demons from the Divinicus Nex series by A & E Kirk are quite literally the funniest books I think I have ever read. The way the main character narrates the story is just so hilarious, honestly. I wish I could have Aurora Lahey's nonstop sarcasm and humorous wit.

Snippet 1:

   I launched into a graceful ninja-like front roll, then stood my ground to face the monstrous heathen, fearless in my determination to vanquish the deadly foe. 
   Nah, just kidding, I bolted, discretion being the better part of not getting dead.

Snippet 2:

   A dog, one of those tiny, foo-foo things, scampered out on stubby legs, planted its feet, and started barking skyward. The demon diverted its sights from me and swooped down on the yappy mutt.

   Dogs aren't my thing.

   I hate dogs.

   And if this one was dumb enough to sacrifice itself for me, hallelujah. I kept running.

   After I reversed course.

   Stupid dog.

   Honestly, I love this book. Is it bad that reading that first snippet still makes me laugh? Anyways, you should definitely check these books out, they are amazing! I've heard that the authors are working on the third book right now! (Can I get a whoop whoop?!)


- Emma

Happy Reading!

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