Monday 3 August 2015

A Book I Want To Live In

   This decision was very hard for me. So many books, so little time to decide.

   This question is nearly as difficult for me to answer as one I've been facing for quite a while: what's your favourite book? ("If I could I would, but I can't so I shan't.")

   But, alas, I did decide on a book by one of my favourite authors. Josephine Angelini is such a talented author, and if you haven't read any of her books yet I suggest you do. Promptly.

So the book I want to live in would be........(DRUM ROLL PLEASE)..................

Trial By Fire by Josephine Angelini.

   I love everything about this book. From the characters to the story line, this book is like perfection. I. Love. It.

I cannot wait until Firewalker (second book in the series) comes out. It literally comes out a few days before my birthday; it's the perfect birthday gift!!

   What book would you love to live in? Tell me in the comments below! And also, if any of you have read a book by Josephine Angelini, what did you think?


- Emma

Happy Reading!

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