Wednesday, 27 May 2015

What book got you to start reading?

   I was working on the third edition of The Fangirl Guide when an idea suddenly came to me. One that I couldn't ignore and just had to immediately drop everything I was doing to do it. (It definitely wasn't because I was stuck on what to say for the other post...) 

   As I said, I'm currently writing the third Fangirl Guide post at the moment, but due to the sheer length it is going to be, I have had to stop and try to rethink how to approach it. Which I'm struggling with. But hey, I'll figure it out (eventually)! And so whilst in the midst of lots of words that weren't quite connecting like how I was hoping, the idea for this post (which is a considerable amount shorter than the other I was working on) suddenly sprung itself upon me! 

I would like to talk about the book that made me start reading.

    Please don't misinterpret what I'm getting at here though. When I say, 'the book that made me start reading', I do not mean I didn't read before hand. I did. But I didn't have such a love for books then as I do now, and I didn't read nearly as much. Not by a long shot. 

   And I'd like to share with you what really got me into books. 

And the book that started all of this madness is:

(This is where the drum roll would begin...)

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.

   Yes, you can blame Cassie Clare for getting me into reading. 

   As soon as I started reading this book, I couldn't stop. I think it was possibly the first time for me that a book had actually got me entranced by it; I actually really didn't want to put this book down for anything. (I think I drove my family insane with The Mortal Instruments, which is the fantastic series this book belongs to, because I just couldn't shut up about it.) 

I don't think I can explain to you the love I hold for this book, for this series, because I simply just can't find the words. I. Love. It. Not two ways about it. 

   I actually read this book so many times I could nearly remember the first couple of chapters off by heart. (I can't anymore, which really upsets me, but ah well!) That's how much I loved this book. 

   This book will always hold a special place in my heart, for obvious reasons. I honestly love the series to bits, and I'm sure those of you who have read it will agree it's absolutely amazing.

   What's the book that got you into reading? Or were you always addicted to books? Comment down below, I'm really interested to know! 


- Emma

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. The book that made me love reading were definitely either Jacqueline Wilson books or The Wishing Chair series by Enid Blyton; I can't remember that far back!


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