Apple and Rain is a book by Sarah Crossan, first published in 2014 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Apple's mother left when Apple was just a little girl. All she can remember is the goodbye, and that wasn't even directed at her. She doesn't understand why her mother left her like that, but when she finally returns after 11 years away, she has the chance to find the answer.
But meeting her mother is more bittersweet than Apple thought, and it's only when she meets someone more lost than she is, Apple begins to see things as they really are.
'I wish it would snow,' I said one winter, when there was nothing but hailstones and drizzle. Nana looked up from the scones she was baking. Her forehead was powdered with flour. She said, 'Snow? No thank you. Be careful what you wish for, Apple!' As though anything bad could come from snowmen and a bit of sledging down Cliff Gardens.
Another time I was brushing my hair, dragging out my knots and complaining. 'I wish I had straight hair,' I said. Nana looked up from her sewing and said, 'Goodness me, what for? Be careful what you wish for, Apple!' As though anything bad could come from sleek locks.
And last spring, when it was raining outside and I was playing myself at Monopoly, I said, 'I wish I had a sister.' Nana held her biscuit, undunked, over a teacup. She said, 'Oh Apple, please, please be careful what you wish for.'
As though anything bad could come from a ready-made friend.
As you may or may not know, I also read The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan, and although it was a good book, it wasn't one of my favorites. So, I wasn't sure when I picked up this book as to what I would think. How wrong was I? Very wrong. This book was lovely. Truly. It's very deep and meaningful, and I read it in under a day. Also, it is very unique, which I like. However, some parts reminded me of Jacqueline Wilson, whom I loved when I was younger.
Happy Reading!♥
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