Monday, 8 June 2015

Review: Away For The Weekend by Dyan Sheldon

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Away For The Weekend is a book by Dyan Sheldon, first published in 2011 by Walker Books Ltd.

Angels do exist. But some of them have a devil sat on one shoulder.

Remedios Cienfuegos y Mendoza is one of these angels.

Gabriela and Beth are two totally, totally different people. The only thing they have in common is the fact that they're both in L.A. for the weekend, but that's about to change. And all down to two angels.

The elevator rises very slowly, but only one of its passengers notices. Timing is everything. She could make the switch and have them realize what happened in a matter of seconds, but for it to do them any good they have to be kept isolated. She doesn't want them joining forces or making a fuss. And she especially doesn't want them joining forces or making a fuss when Otto's around. The last thing she needs is for him to discover what she's really up to. It's better if the girls don't realize until morning - by which time Remedios and Otto will have gone from the hotel, and he won't have any idea of what they've left behind. 

On the top floor, Otto has finally given up trying to unlock their suit with the electronic key and, with a glance over his shoulder to make certain no one is watching, simply wills the door to open itself. And as the second elevator stops on Beth's floor, Remedios lightly touches both her and Gabriela, and simply wills them to swap. 

Being an angel definitely has many advantages over being a magician.

When I started this book, I just wasn't sure. To be honest, I even considered stopping after the first couple of chapters. But I cannot remember a time when I have just stopped reading. So, I persevered. And I know this is becoming somewhat of a cliche now, but I loved it. I have never really liked fairy-tale style unrealistic books, but this one grabbed me. 

It is very unlike Baby Makes Two, which is also by Dyan Sheldon, and is the reason I picked this book up in the first place, but just as good, maybe even better in a way. This book is happier, more positive. I don't know. It just made me feel kind of like an angel...


Happy Reading!

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