Thursday, 2 April 2015

Review: An English Boy in New York by T.S. Easton

 An English Boy in New York is a book by T.S. Easton, first published in 2014 by Hot Key Books.

Before I start, I will issue a warning to all readers. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PUT THIS BOOK DOWN. Basically, this book was a really good read, and I cannot fault the writing, but I do have some criticism with the facts, so let's start with that.

At one point in the book it mentions that New York is 4 hours ahead from England. In real life, New York is 5 hours behind. But it then goes on to say that if it was 2pm in New York, it would be 6pm in England, meaning New York would be 4 hours behind. One more thing I noticed was when Ben (the main character) listed countries within Great Britain, there was no mention of Wales. But, alas, these are petty mistakes for me to point out, so I will continue with my review.

I believe An English Boy in New York is the sequel to Boys Don't Knit, thus, it is about Ben, a teenage boy who loves to knit. Ben has recently won a trip to New York to take part in KnitFair USA, and only has one person to take with him...with his girlfriend, Megan, unable to go...who will join him on the trip of a lifetime?

I loved this book, and once Ben got to New York, I could not put this down. To show you how much I enjoyed it, I read it in under 24 hours (along with doing other normal day-to-day things)!

To laugh, cringe and drop a few stitches with Ben, read An English Boy in New York!


Happy Reading!

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